Tuesday, January 1, 2013


·         In this first Sunday of 2013 we recall the Magi who went to Bethlehem to pay homage to the New Born King of the Jews.

·         The story is laced with irony:
o   Pagan wise men, who do not know the prophecies but who know how to read the signs of nature, of the skies find the King of the Jews.

o   His people, his king Herod and the Scribes, who supposedly know about the true God and the prophecies fear that this king might take away their power.  They look for ways to eliminate him.

o   Does that ever happen in our life?   

FIRST READING  – Is 60:1-6
«  This passage is taken from the book of the Third Isaiah. It is full of optimism, joy and light. 
«  The theme of light dominates the scene, the glory of God is the light that enlightens the city of Jerusalem.   
«  The earth is covered with darkness, but the glory of God shines upon the earth.   
«  This light is a lighthouse that leads the nations toward Jerusalem.   
«  Look with joy, with overwhelming happiness all the nations come to you, the foreigners but also your children, those who were once dispersed, now return.   

«  They will bring to you the wealth of the nations, caravans of camels bringing  gold, incense and myrrh, and proclaiming  the praises of God.  


*      This psalm is a prayer for a king or for the crown heir. 

*      The theme of justice is present in the petitions for the king, so he will be able to govern with equity.  

*      Like in the first reading the psalm mentions the kings of foreign nations who will come to bring gifts to the king.  

*      The justice of this King will be to take care of the poor and marginalized, being like God whose justice is manifested  through his compassion and mercy.  

Ø  The letter to the Ephesians, together with the letters to the Colossians,  to the Philippians, and to Philemon,  belongs to the group of the Captivity Letters.  
Ø  For those authors who believe that the letter was written by Paul himself, the date of the letter has to be before his death, before 67.
Ø  But for those who think it was written by another person, probably a disciple of Paul, the date may be around the 80’s. 
Ø  This letter has many themes that we find in the letter to the Colossians.  

Ø  It is a doctrinal and theological letter.   

Ø  The first part  (ch.1-3) is dedicated to the Church, which has been prepared from eternity by God. There has been a progressive revelation whose culminating point is the Incarnation of the Word of God.   
Ø  In the second part what has been said in the first about the Church is applied to the behavior of the individual Christian.  
EPHESIANS 3:2-3a; 5-6
Ø  Paul says that the mystery hidden in God has been revealed to him, and he announces it to us through his preaching.   . 
Ø  This mystery has been revealed to the Apostles by the Spirit. 
Ø  The mystery hidden in God and revealed now is 
o   that through the Good News, the Gospel, the gentiles are coheirs, copartners   in Christ Jesus
o   and members of the same body.  

GOSPEL-  Matthew 2:1-12
ü  Chapters 1 and 2 of the Gospel of Matthew and of the Gospel of Luke are called the “The Infancy Narrative.” 
ü  They are, according to an author, the summary of Jesus’ life and of the evangelist’s theology. 
ü  The verses we will read on Sunday give us the synthesis of the theology of Matthew: there is a conflict between two kingships: Herod and Jesus, between evil and good.   
ü  Who was Herod? He came from Idumea (Edom. South of Judea and near the dead sea.) He was an ambitious and bloodthirsty man. 

ü  We find at least 5 different scenes or settings in this gospel. 

o   The Magi have followed the star and arrive to Jerusalem where they hope to find directions to find the New Born King of the Jews. 

o   Herod, the High priests and the scribes know about the prophecy and look in the Scriptures to find the exact place, which is Bethlehem. 

o   Herod speaks to the Magi and inquire from them about the exact time they had seen the star. He tells them that according to the Scriptures he has to be in Bethlehem. He wants them to come back and tell the exact place so he can go and adore him too.  

o   The Magi continue their journey and see again the star which they had lost when they arrived  in Jerusalem.  .

o   The Magi arrive to the place where the holy family lives,  and find Jesus with his Mother. Full of joy they offer him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Afterwards they take another road to go back home as the angel had told them.   

ü  There are many contrasts in these scenes,   

o   The Magi do not know the prophecies of Israel, but they know how to read the stars and search with an open heart without ambition or power.  

o   Herod and the priests know the prophecies thus they fear, because they believe that this new born King is going to take away their power, to change their life style filled with hate and lies.     

o   The Magi found God without knowing him. The leaders  of the Jewish people do not find or recognize him, in spite of having the information.  


From the time I began to serve God until His Majesty deign to manifest the founding of the order,  always saw a star in front of my forehead, and its rays
were pointed at my eyes, especially when I prayed to the  Blessed Virgin Mary. The rays were so bright that sometimes they hindered my sight, but they were always mellow. After our Lord had manifested to me the founding of the order, I did not see the star for five or six years in a continuous way. During these years, I saw only once or the other time. María Antonia París, Foundress of the Claretian Missionary Sisters. Autobiography 45
     I always strove to mortify my sense of hearing. Thus, I took no pleasure in useless conversations   or idle words. I couldn't abide or tolerate uncharitable conversations; if someone started one, I would either leave, change the subject, or frown in disapproval. I also disliked listening to conversations about food, drink, money, worldly things, or politics. I didn't care for reading newspapers and would say that I preferred reading a chapter from the Holy Bible, in which I would read the truth, to reading newspapers, which are ordinarily full of lies and trivia.St. Anthony Mary Claret, Founder of the Claretian Missionary Sisters. Autobiography 399. . 

CLARET, Antonio María.  Autobiography.
PARIS, María Antonia. Autobiography
SCHÖKEL, Luis Alonso, La Biblia de nuestro Pueblo.
SAGRADA BIBLIA, Versión Oficial de la Conferencia Episcopal Española.
THE CATHOLIC STUDY BIBLE, Donald Senior and John J. Collins, Editors. Second edition


CLARET, Antonio María. Autobiography.
PARIS, María Antonia. Autobiography   
SCHÖKEL, Luis Alonso, La Biblia de nuestro Pueblo.
SAGRADA BIBLIA, Versión Oficial de la Conferencia Episcopal Española.
THE CATHOLIC STUDY BIBLE, Donald Senior and John J. Collins, Editors. Second edition







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